There has never been a better time to grow the IBEW. A society where two out of every three people have a positive view of unions, and a President who is the most union-friendly in generations means THE TIME IS NOW to put into place a multi-year organizing plan. In about 10 minutes, the IBEW Strong Organizing Video is the best way to tell our story to non-union workers, and their spouses, in the comfort of their own homes. It meets them where they are. And thanks to a series of powerful testimonials, shows potential workers that a quality lifestyle and career await. Any potential employee wants to know: “what will I make?” It is often among the first questions. IBEW Strong tells them, via video, explaining your local’s CBA in “black and white.” You go on-the-record with every potential member. The IBEW Strong custom organizing video can grow any organizing department’s outreach effort exponentially, setting up the most powerful tool of all – more face to face meetings between organizers and prospects. Close more deals with the IBEW Strong Custom Organizing Video.